We are proud to announce Forcebit received the innovative starter support funding from Agentschap Innoveren & Ondernemen – VLAIO. We thank Elke De Rijck and Bas Sturm from VLAIO for helping us with the application. Thanks also to Bas Rottier from Sirris for providing valuable feedback giving us the extra edge. We will work hard to realize our valorization expectations!

With Forcebit, we believe that knowledge of dynamic quantities like torque, bending and accelerations on rotating drives are key to improve the next generation automotive and machine industry drivetrains. Our ‘smartwatch’-solution makes these quantities easily accessible. Our wireless ad-on device makes measurements FAST, EASY and RELIABLE.

And with a little help from Start it @KBCKU Leuven Mecha(tro)nic System Dynamics (LMSD) & Flanders Make, we should be well on our way.

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